October 19, 2009

Birdie story

Isn't it cute. Actually it comes in pair. The other bird was on my other plant that moment. These 2 love birds would only visit me on hot days. During the dry season, when there's no rain for a couple of weeks, I will get to see them. They are so used to me that they would wait patiently for me to water my plants every morning. They would hang around the neighbours fence or car and sit there and wait for me. The very minute I switch off the tap, they would immediately fly straight to one of my plants and rub their body against the wet leaves. They don't even bother that I am still standing there. My big pot of bonsai is normally their favourite spot. Today I don't know why they choose the palm tree instead.

Hope you like this as much as I do. I adore nature. I can stand there for hours watching them. Isn't it fun to get to watch up close. Unlike the bird park, I have to pay an entrance fee and might not even get to see those birds so close. Thanks for viewing. Hope I manage to brighten up your day.


Unknown said...

That's really adorable! I have pet parakeets in my garden. Ever since we purchased them, my garden has been a favorite spot for different kinds of birds too, some were also parakeets .... I once told my husband that I want our parakeets to breed and then after that we'll let them all fly....

BTW, I have an award for you, please pick it up in my blog.


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Aries said...

Thanks for your comment. I am looking for a new template but hope I could still get a monkey by the the side.

iamNoOne said...

I am lover of nature too. Sometimes when I am walking on my way to work, I can't help but stop whenever I see birds hopping on the streets. I wonder how the bird manage to come and live in the city life. My wonderment is paired with sympathy to think that maybe that bird has no home to return to.


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