Look at my Muffin trying to figure out what to do with a cherry tomato. I actually posted a video but it turn into a photo instead. He was licking it, throw it in the air and let it drop and put it in his mouth and spit it out and playing with it like a marble. Oh so blogspot does not allow posting of video anymore?!?!?!?
Now a days I am busy teaching Muffin tricks. Even on facebook, most pictures and videos that I post lately are about Muffin. Can't blame me. My two sons are in their teens, even most of my nieces and nephews are in their late teens or early twenties. All busy with colleges and schools.
Guess I have gone to the next phase in life. When sons were young, I love teaching them stuffs and watching their reaction and listen to all those funny stuffs that they say. Now words from them sounds so adult, nothing so amusing like when they were toddlers saying and pronouncing certain words for the first time. I also love watching them take solid food for the first time. Their face expression and body movement are so funny.
Now with Muffin, those trills and amusing moments came back. Like having a toddler at home again. My advise to those folks whose children are getting out or are already out of the nest, go get a pet, preferably a dog. Like reliving those moments having young children at home. Provided you like children, if not a dog would be a burden to you.
Thanks for reading and hope a pet can fill that void in you like it did to me. Happy blogging and parenting to your children and pets.
Too funny. Right now my boys are still little and we don't have any pets, but I get how they are like babies, especially when the kids are grown up.
Thanks for visiting
Thanks for hopping over to my blog! I'm enjoying reading yours. I recently tried to upload a video to my blog for the first time. First you have to sign up to youtube and then upload it there first. And then when you post it on your blog, that's the first place blogger will look, is your youtube acct. I don't think it's always been there and it's kind of a pain. Cute dog you have. Hope to see you again soon, I'm not as cranky as I seem ;-)
hi, thanks kden for the information
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